About Me


foraging woman

As a kid I often found myself making herbal concoctions in bowls and jars outside and letting the rain and the moonlight hit these special offerings of mine. I wasn’t very sure of what I was doing back then, but doing it felt right to my soul. Almost as if being a Wiccan herbalist was my calling from the start.

While I didn’t heal people as a small child, I was able to connect to wild animals and with this I could coax wild animals to the point of befriending them. From a stray dog who was terrified of people, to having a wild deer eating apples from my hand. It was enchanting. Something you’d only hear about from Disney movies. 

I  have been through many life experiences in my short years on this earth to the point where  I had  to start healing myself naturally without a medical doctor's help. It was because of their unwillingness to help me fix my body that I looked into ways to fix it at home.  This is when I found that herbs have been known to help things. I was so desperate that I was willing to do anything. This is how it all began. After healing my unexplained infertility at 24 years old and I was able to birth a child of my own it fell on a deeper level. I found that it wasn’t just the infertile body not being listened to by doctors but also the little ones who didn’t yet have a voice. My sweet little bundle was ignored until she was 6 months old and I had to lie to the doctor to get what she needed all due to one word variation. If I had just listened to my intubation at that point she would not have had to suffer for 6 months. 

Ailment after ailment I researched and started her healing process for four years. With each additional child I learned many ways of taking care of my family naturally. This is where mommy herbalist was born. 

coffee in hand

Now that I have dove deep into my herbal studies and realize there is a huge need for it in this world I look at everyone as the potential to provide them with the possibility to have a luminous life. I want to help be a vessel for others to learn to listen to their bodies. This path has been deeply ingrained in me and with my knowledge and constantly researching that I can better understand others complaints. Like other herbalists I also feel that we should all be taking better care of our bodies and be better equipped to handle the ailments in our daily life. The difference with me compared to others is that I am very connected to emotion and empathic in ways that most are not. I truly want what’s best for every person I come in contact with and I can feel the energy of the room the moment I step into it. 

This practice is strongly rooted and intuitive.


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