Is my body failing me?

How can I promote a fertility course when I keep failing at sustaining my own pregnancies?

Man if you only knew how many times I have been asked that. 

Kelly, how can you expect people to listen to you, believe you, and be willing to pay for your advice when you can’t even achieve what you are telling people they can? 

Yeah, I can achieve it.

As a matter of fact, I have 4 different times. Yes it is true I have had 22 miscarriages since 2009. From many chemical pregnancies all the way to a 2nd trimester loss. A loss is a loss. Here is what you truly need to focus on. You see, every live child I have today was the end result of a specific decision I made. Every miscarriage I had was the direct result of me not wanting to have another but not taking care of my body and paying attention to it  enough to nurture my womb to sustain a life. 

You see. Pregnancy 1. I used vitex and evening primrose. Pregnancy 2. I used evening primrose. Pregnancy 3 I was trying to kickstart my period and induced a hormonal drop. (oops) Pregnancy 4. I was taking breast enhancement pills that were full of fertility boosters. Once I had a positive test I started progesterone to hold my levels to the point it would be safe in pregnancy. The miscarriages I did not. Not because I didn’t want the pregnancies, but multiple reasons. 1 not being educated enough to know better. 2 thinking it was best to let nature choose the proper things for us as a family. Along with just living in the moment and not thinking about a+ b = c. That’s what happened with my very last pregnancy that ended on my husbands birthday this past year. I was living in the moment and under a lot of stress. I wasn’t thinking about where my fertility was at that point. I was working on my herby stuff without gloves and taking some anti-inflammatory herbs that doubled as fertility boosting due to me pulling a neck muscle. I was decanting a couple of herbs that change the woman’s cycles based on the hormones it interferes with. So it essentially put my ovulation a week sooner than it should have normally been. However because I wasn’t taking anything to build up my uterine lining, the pregnancy couldn’t continue past a certain point. 

I know herbs. I know fertility. I know the womans body.

However life does happen and I get busy living it and I still do make mistakes. Even medical doctors that specialize in their fields of occupation are still called practicing physicians because they too are still trying new things and seeing what works for each individual person. It is always a learning experience. It is always something new. Nothing is perfect and nothing is set in stone.

So yes I do feel like I have knowledge to share and I want to share it with others.

I want to help others when so many left me sitting on the hospital bed with no answers and no proof that my baby ever existed. That is a pain I never would wish on anyone. If I can help women never have to experience that again, or even at all, then my job here is done.

So today I am opening up my free fertility course that was just free to my TIKTOK and INSTAGRAM followers but I want more people to take this course and learn from it. By all means, follow me on these platforms as well. It will not be free forever and I have a slight catch. I will be reaching out to the email you provide once about a week or so after you finish the course. This is not to sell you anything but to get a true real life experience review about the course so I can apply what you liked and what you think should be included. So basically I am looking for reviews. I want to know if this course was everything you hoped it would be. Here is the link to the course. Check it out now and give yourself some freedom in your fertility. 


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